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Dental hygiene: How often is the procedure recommended?


Dental hygiene: How often is the procedure recommended?

Dental hygiene is a crucial aspect of a good oral health care and overall health care. Proper hygiene not only helps maintain healthy teeth and gums but can also prevent numerous dental and gum conditions. Among dental hygiene practices are regular brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, and scheduling regular dental visits for professional dental cleaning. But how often should you go to the dentist for dental cleaning and what are the benefits of this procedure?

What is professional dental cleaning?

Professional dental cleaning, also known as dental scaling or prophylaxis, is a procedure performed by either a dentist or a dental hygienist with the purpose of removing bacterial plaque, tartar and other dental deposits that cannot be removed by regular brushing. This process includes scaling, polishing, as well as dental cleaning with airflow, and is essential for maintaining oral health and preventing gum and tooth diseases such as gingivitis and dental cavities.

Recommended frequency of professional dental cleaning

The frequency of the professional dental cleaning procedure can vary depending on the individual needs of each patient and their overall oral health status. However, generally, it is recommended that adults undergo professional dental cleaning every six months. This recommendation is based on the fact that, during this time interval, bacterial plaque and tartar can begin to accumulate significantly, which can lead to dental and gum problems if not removed regularly.

For children and adolescents, recommendations may vary depending on age, oral health status, but also on the risk of developing dental problems. Generally, the dentist may recommend a higher frequency of professional dental cleaning for this age group, as their teeth may be more susceptible to the appearance of dental cavities and other conditions.

Benefits of the professional dental cleaning procedure

Professional dental cleaning brings numerous benefits to oral and overall health. These include:

Removal of bacterial plaque and tartar: Scaling removes hard and difficult to remove deposits that accumulate on the surface of teeth and gums, helping prevent the gingivitis and other gum conditions.

Prevention of dental cavities: Professional dental cleaning helps prevent dental cavities by removing bacterial plaque deposits that can erode tooth enamel and cause lesions.

Early detection of dental problems: Regular visits to the dentist for professional dental cleaning provide the dentist with the opportunity to identify and treat any potential dental or gum problems in their early stages.

Improvement of appearance and confidence: A clean and healthy dentition can contribute to greater self-confidence and a more pleasant presence in social and professional interactions.

A bright smile at Dr. Kurbe Center

If you are interested in dental cleaning in Bucharest, you should know that we, at Dr. Kurbe Center, are dedicated to the health and beauty of every patient’s smile. With a team of experienced and qualified dentists, we offer high-quality professional dental cleaning services, using modern techniques and equipment to ensure efficient and comfortable results. Contact us today to learn more about dental cleaning prices and to take care of the health and beauty of your smile!

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